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Monday, 22 October 2012

Releasing Highly Stylized “Contact Me” Form For Bloggers and Web Developers – Available For Free Of Charge!

Stylized-Contact-Me-Form-For bloggerA Contact Form is a must for every website and weblog for feedback and suggestion purposes. There are many free email services that let you create free online Contact Forms but most of these forms are casual in look and appearance and are already used by millions of websites. Then how can you make your free form look any different from others?
Well luckily after spending some hours of hard work I have successfully created a well stylized and optimized code that is unique in every aspect and that is capable enough to turn your free Contact form from this,

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LOCK and UNLOCK Blogger Widgets

lock-unlock-widgetsBy default almost widgets in blogger blogs are editable. By Clicking the edit button, you can either perform edit, remove or cancel functions. You may have observed that some widgets can not be removed from page elements for example theHeader widget  which lets you add a background image to your header or add your site logo. All those widgets which can not be removed are LOCKED and we learn today how to UNLOCK those widgets. We will also learn how to LOCK any widget we want so that it could only be edited but not removed.

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Add "Reply Link" to Blogger Comments

reply-link-bloggerProviding your readers with easy navigation and fun-to-use tools should always be your first priority. Whether it may be a video blog like YouTube or it may be any forums, all these great sites have a reply link attached to each comment posted on the site. Fortunately we can even add this extremely useful Reply Link to our blogger blogs to make it even more better. On clicking the reply link or reply button, an anchor link to that comment post is pasted in blogger comment pop-up form. That link will show who has been responded or replied. You can see it working just fine on MBT Comments. I am sure you would love to add it to your blogs too. So let's do it!

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Add Icons Next To Hyperlinks Using CSS3

Hyperlink-IconsCascading Style Sheet is the heart of designers and with latest web technology such as CSS3, designing has become even more interesting. Thanks to CSS3 attribute value selectors, now you can style any file extension or tag.
I am using CSS3 attribute selector property in this tutorial to add Icons to hyperlinks.Previously we had to use JavaScript to add an icon next to the hyperlink on your blogger blog or website but now you can do it easily using CSS3. The icon will depend upon the type of file extension. If your link is pointing to a mp3 file then it will add a music symbol next to the link and so on. See the demo which shows 13 file format links,
Live Demo
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Design a Professional Looking "About Us" Page

Giving a mature and professional look to your "About Us" webpage should be amongst your first priorities. Visitors have the right to know who you are and what you do and where you belong. Your About Us page is your Identity page where you add a little bio of your self and then explain the purpose of your blog or website. It's the most important page for both your regular visitors and advertisers. So Make sure you leave a good impression on them by presenting your self well. Just an hour ago I designed my personal "About Me" Page and I hope the tutorial today will make sense once you see this new proposed design,

Live Demo

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Hide Label Tags and Author Name In Blogger Posts

HIDE-LABELS-AND-AUTHORThere are some pages like your contact page, about page, table of contents page where you don't want label tags or "Posted by Author at xyz time"  text to appear.  You can view any of my page in the navigation menu above and you will observe that you see no tags or author names below post titles.

How To Hide Label Tags On Selected Pages Of Blogger?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Check the "Expand Widget Templates" box
  4. Search For,
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Remove deactivated Profiles from your Facebook friend list

Remove deactivated Facebook profiles
Facebook might be the largest social network in action today, but it isn't without its flaws. A lot of changes made by Facebook seem to cause problems for the users, especially the ones made in 2012. First, the Timeline, then the ticker and the ability of friends to add you to groups without permission. Then there's this problem regarding deactivated and deleted profiles in your friend list. Since the changes made, people started to notice old profiles (and new) that had been deactivated in their friends list. Now this isn't a problem, but it sure clutters up your list and inflates your number of friends. You can easily find and delete these profiles from your list and clear up things.
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SPEEDUPI shared 6 Tips N Tricks earlier on PART1 of this post, the remaining TNT are shared here.
7.   Always cleanup your Windows Registry
The Windows Registry is a directory which stores settings and options for the operating system you use. Every software or program that you install is registered in this directory. A Windows Registry is just like a map for an operating system. When ever you open a program ,your computer contacts the Windows Registry, which provides it with all the information about that program. A clear and clean map is always easily understood but an unorganized  map will always be confusing. Same is the case with Windows Registry, keeping it clean will allow your computer to better communicate with the Registry and work effectively. All your programs will open with a fraction of second without any delays................ Only........ if you clean your registry daily.
So how do we cleanup the Registry?
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A slow and lazy computer is no less than an irritating spot to work in. Most of you may have spent hundreds of dollars in the maintenance and optimization of your Desktop computers but in the end hopelessness is what you get. Many softwares have been created to help you boost your computer speed but they too often fail to solve this problem. Today I will share  some tips and tricks [TNT] that will accelerate your computer's performance to 100%. These are not just ordinary tips and tricks that you find in internet but these are the practical ways and most effective ways of boosting up your computer speed. These TNT have made me love my computer and work on it for hours with comfort and fun. I am now in love with my Pentium-3 computer, which now works much faster than Pentium-4  :D
So Lets learn step by step on how to plant this TNT. All the images below are extracted from my blog TECfun 

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